Project-Based Project
Why Is Project-Based Learning Important?
The many merits of using project-based learning in the classroom.
PBL Helps Students Develop Skills for Living in a Knowledge-Based, Highly Technological Society
The old-school model of passively learning facts and reciting them
out of context is no longer sufficient to prepare students to survive in
today's world. Solving highly complex problems requires that students
have both fundamental skills (reading, writing, and math) and 21st
century skills (teamwork, problem solving, research gathering, time
management, information synthesizing, utilizing high tech tools). With
this combination of skills, students become directors and managers of
their learning process, guided and mentored by a skilled teacher.
These 21st century skills include
PBL is not just a way of learning; it's a way of working together. If students learn to take responsibility for their own learning, they will form the basis for the way they will work with others in their adult lives.
Resource-based Projects
In these projects, the teacher steps out of the traditional role of being a content expert and information provider, and instead lets the students find their own facts and information. Only when necessary for the active learning process does the teacher step in to supply data or information. The general flow of events in resource-based projects are:
Resource-Based Learning and Teacher-Librarians
Resource-Based Learning in the Atlantic Core Curriculum
It should be noted that Building Information Literacy contains
student learning outcomes for information literacy that emanate from all
ten of the general learning outcomes in the Atlantic Language Arts
Curriculum (APEF). As the Committee "de-constructed" these documents and
re-ordered and re-constructed the many specific learning outcomes from
all three language arts strand into the stages or phases of the
Information Process, it became clear that the development of information
literacy requires student-centered, inquiry-based learning activities
that ensure these outcomes will be achieved. This was a challenging,
constructivist learning process for everyone involved!
What Does Resource-Based Learning Look Like?
Resource-based Learning Centres or Stations:
This is a good approach when limited resources are available; it is
possible to make optimal use of a few excellent resources when students
work in pairs or in small groups. They may complete many stations over a
period of several periods or days, or they may spend more time on just
one or two stations or centres, depending on the objectives of the
teachers involved. Some people plan for one station for each pair of
students (i.e. 19 or 20 stations for 37 students,) including one or two
extras so that there is always a "free" station available when a team of
students is ready.
Projects, Papers, and Other Information Processing/Authentic Research Assignments:
Doing "research" may not be new, but its importance in today's
classrooms is unquestioned. There is a renewed emphasis on inquiry or
problem-based learning activities. A lot has been learned about properly
structuring this type of resource-based learning for success, and
students and their teachers will only make optimal use of this approach
when time is taken to plan and implement truly "authentic" and
meaningful projects. We may turn to the work of Kulthau, Eisenberg,
Pitts, and others, proving that a research (or information) process or framework is essential.
Students have much to gain when they experience a consistent approach,
beginning in the primary grades and continuing throughout their school
World Wide Web-Based Projects:
Three elementary schools in Prince Edward Island have been involved in
another Web-based project during the 1997-98 and 1998-99 school years.
The Islands Project
has focused grade five students' information literacy skills on
learning what it means to "be an islander." As a part of their social
studies program they began with studying their own local "island
communities," using a vast array of primary and secondary resources in
all formats (print, non-print, electronic, community people and
organizations.) These resource-based learning activities were integrated
with their school library programs and different approaches were taken
by the schools and their teacher-librarians. Two schools used learning
stations as a way of organizing the information processing component.
Students became "experts" about one of the topics in their class studies
and shared their learning with others in their classrooms and in their
school communities. The third school utilized a "scrapbook" approach
with their in-depth study of local communities organized in the pages of
the individually created collections.
These 21st century skills include
- personal and social responsibility
- planning, critical thinking, reasoning, and creativity
- strong communication skills, both for interpersonal and presentation needs
- cross-cultural understanding
- visualizing and decision making
- knowing how and when to use technology and choosing the most appropriate tool for the task
PBL and Technology Use Bring a New Relevance to the Learning at Hand
By bringing real-life context and technology to the curriculum through a PBL approach, students are encouraged to become independent workers, critical thinkers, and lifelong learners. Teachers can communicate with administrators, exchange ideas with other teachers and subject-area experts, and communicate with parents, all the while breaking down invisible barriers such as isolation of the classroom, fear of embarking on an unfamiliar process, and lack of assurances of success.PBL is not just a way of learning; it's a way of working together. If students learn to take responsibility for their own learning, they will form the basis for the way they will work with others in their adult lives.
PBL Lends Itself to Authentic Assessment
Authentic assessment and evaluation allow us to systematically document a child's progress and development. PBL encourages this by doing the following:- It lets the teacher have multiple assessment opportunities.
- It allows a child to demonstrate his or her capabilities while working independently.
- It shows the child's ability to apply desired skills such as doing research.
- It develops the child's ability to work with his or her peers, building teamwork and group skills.
- It allows the teacher to learn more about the child as a person.
- It helps the teacher communicate in progressive and meaningful ways with the child or a group of children on a range of issues.
PBL Promotes Lifelong Learning
Lee Shulman, president of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, has observed, "Teaching has been an activity undertaken behind closed doors between moderately consenting participants." PBL promotes lifelong learning because- PBL and the use of technology enable students, teachers, and administrators to reach out beyond the school building.
- Students become engaged builders of a new knowledge base and become active, lifelong learners.
- PBL teaches children to take control of their learning, the first step as lifelong learners.
PBL Accommodates Students with Varying Learning Styles and Differences
It is known that children have various learning styles. They build their knowledge on varying backgrounds and experiences. It is also recognized that children have a broader range of capabilities than they have been permitted to show in regular classrooms with the traditional text-based focus. When children are interested in what they are doing and are able to use their areas of strength, they achieve at a higher level.Research Supports PBL
A growing body of research supports the use of PBL. Schools where PBL is practiced find a decline in absenteeism, an increase in cooperative learning skills, and improvement in student achievement. When technology is used to promote critical thinking and communication, these benefits are enhanced.Resource-based Projects
In these projects, the teacher steps out of the traditional role of being a content expert and information provider, and instead lets the students find their own facts and information. Only when necessary for the active learning process does the teacher step in to supply data or information. The general flow of events in resource-based projects are:
- The teacher determines the topic for the examination of the class.
- The teacher presents the problem to the class.
- The students find information on the problem/questions.
- Students organize their information in response to the problem/questions.
learning model
learning model
Teacher is expert and information provider
Teacher is a guide and facilitator
Textbook is key source of information
are varied (print, video, Internet, etc.)
Focus on facts information is packaged in neat
Focus on learning inquiry/quest/discovery
The product is the be-all and end-all of learning
on process
Assessment is quantitative
Assessment is quantitative and qualitative
Resource-based learning actively involves
students, teachers and teacher-librarians in the effective use of a wide
range of print, non print and human resources. Resource-based learning
fosters the development of individual students by accommodating their
varied interests, experiences, learning styles, needs and ability
levels. Students who use a wide range of resources in various mediums
for learning have the opportunity to approach a theme, issue or topic of
study in ways which allow for a range of learning styles and access to
the theme or topic via cognitive or affective appeals. More
Resource-Based Learning and Teacher-Librarians
... In today's rapidly changing society,
students must have the opportunity to develop the ability to retrieve,
assess, and apply information. As we equip students with these skills we
will help ensure that learning does not end with the completion of
formal education, but continues throughout life.
goals can best be achieved through resource-based teaching/learning,
that is, a library program fully integrated with the school's
instructional program with teacher-librarians and teachers using a
cooperative program planning approach.
Resource-Based Learning in the Atlantic Core Curriculum
Resource-based learning is student-centered. Students are actively involved and more accountable for their own learning. |
Information Literacy is clearly articulated in these Essential Graduation Learnings for Atlantic Canada:
- Problem-solving
- Communication
- Technological Competence
The P.E.I. Department of Education has also promoted another
similar definition of Resource-Based Learning, from the province of
Saskatchewan since the publication of the teachers' resource, Where Did You Find That?
( by Alixe Hambleton, 1992, Saskatchewan School Library Association and
The Saskatchewan Professional Development Unit.) This resource is
available in all P.E.I. public school libraries:
Resource-Based Learning is a planned
educational program that actively involves students in the effective use
of a wide range of appropriate print, nonprint, and human resources.
Many of the outcomes for student learning are aimed at the development of information literacy. These will be best achieved when a resource-based learning approach is planned and implemented in a collaborative manner throughout the curriculum at all grade levels, across the school and formal educational experience of all students. |
Regardless of the grade level or the subjects being taught, teachers
know that the language arts are important, that students use these three
strands for language acquisition and communicating information and
ideas across the curriculum (and throughout life):
- Speaking and Listening (S&L)
- Reading and Viewing (R&V)
- Writing and Other Ways of Representing (W&R)
The Language Arts Curriculum for Atlantic Canada uses these
three strands as a framework for the ten General Outcomes for student
learning, using the language arts processes.
In order to achieve the outcomes for learning identified in
our regional curricula, it is clear that students need to have
opportunities for exposure to and practice with ideas and concepts
(knowledge,) skills and attitudes, in many contexts and for diverse
learning needs, not just in language arts or English subject classes.
These five General Curriculum Outcomes (GCO's) in particular, illustrate this new focus on the development of information literacy,
and we need to remember that they are equally important in science,
mathematics, social studies, as well as other subjects/curriculum areas:
- communicate information and ideas effectively and clearly, and to respond personally and effectively (S/L)
- select, read. and view with understanding a range of literature, information, media, visual, and audio texts (R/V)
- interpret, select, and combine information using a variety of strategies, resources, and technologies (R/V)
- respond critically to a range of texts, applying their understanding of language, form, and genre (R/V)
- create texts collaboratively and independently, using a variety of forms for a range of audiences and purposes (W/R)
Building Information Literacy contains student learning outcomes for information literacy that emanate from all ten of the general learning outcomes in the Atlantic Provinces Education Foundation (APEF) Language Arts Curriculum. |
are endless ways to implement a resource-based learning approach in the
classroom or in the school library or in other educational contexts.
When classroom teachers and teacher-librarians collaborate to plan,
implement, and assess resource-based learning activities, they may
decide to use one of many possible methods, including the following:
learning resources are assembled in one or more location, with clear
directions for students to follow (re. skills, strategies, content,
Students access the centre(s) at times predetermined by
teachers, individually or in small groups, and their learning is usually
assessed through the use of teacher observations, answer keys, and/or
product and process evaluation and reflective strategies. When teachers
include a more "open-ended" approach, and higher order thinking skills
are involved in the use, application and synthesis of information,
students' learning may be very creative, individualized and satisfying.
Cooperative learning is a key feature in this approach. When properly
structured, it is rarely chaotic and very popular with students. They
may complete an entire activity at a single learning centre or a number
of centres or stations may be involved in the activity.
Learning stations are an excellent way to orient students to the school library early in the school year or they may also be a good way to "launch" a topic or theme. |
Learning stations are an excellent way to orient students to
the school library early in the school year or they may also be a good
way to "launch" a topic or theme. Students will have opportunities to
access and interact with multiple resources in a variety of formats and
they should be encouraged to examine resource, including their
organization and some of the content.
This will be a definite advantage if a "project" or some
other type of in-depth information processing activity is to follow.
What better way to pick a topic for research or to gain some "prior
knowledge" of a subject, or to develop a thesis question or begin a
search for information sources?
Students have much to gain when they experience a consistent approach, beginning in the primary grades and continuing throughout their school years. |
More teacher-librarians are
discovering that the Internet can be a useful tool for resource-based
learning. Online software and special sites like Filamentality, are being used by these educators to create online projects for their students.
The WebQuest
is becoming a favoured approach, moving resource-based learning into
the electronic learning environment. WebQuests needn't exclude
information in other formats, in fact the best WebQuests are those that
"scaffold" or structure students' learning to ensure they access,
evaluate, and use appropriate information, regardless of the format or
source! The following overview of this approach was developed by former
P.E.I. Education's Information Technology Facilitator, Michelle
(McQuaid) Dodds: More
Whether you are using an email connection with other
learners or implementing a fully developed WebQuest with your students,
it is important to remember that "doing an Internet project" should
never be the sole purpose for students, the Internet should be an
interactive and exciting tool they use for individual or collaborative
inquiry and problem-solving, and for creating knowledgeable and creative
products; sharing their own learning with others.
"Doing an Internet project" should never be the sole purpose ... the Internet should be an interactive and exciting tool they use for individual or collaborative inquiry and problem-solving. |
three schools were supported in publishing their students' work to the
World Wide Web; two schools (Parkside and L.M. Montgomery) used Zebu
Web-based software, the third school, Vernon River, completed their
1999 project using HTML programming to publish their project. Students
at Vernon River in the first year of the project (1998) created and
published Islands Project using Zebu.
Throughout this project there was an emphasis on interaction
in the learning environment; students were expected to communicate with
others in their own cooperative working groups as well as those in the
other two partnering schools. They also communicated using E-mail (or
discussion boxes within Zebu) with students in other North Atlantic "island places" such as Newfoundland, the Isle of Skye, and Iceland.
Simple CreationsStudents can also be assigned to create their software materials to supplement the need for relevant and effective materials. of course, there are available software materials such as Creative Writer (by Microsoft) on writing, Kid Work Deluxe (by Davidson) on drawing and painting, and Media Weave (by Humanities software) on multimedia.
In developing software, creativity as an outcome should not be equated with ingenuity or high intelligence. Creating is more consonant with planning, making assembling, designing, or building.
Creativity is said to combine three kind of skills/abilities:
Guided Hypermedia Projects
The production of self-made multimedia projects can be approached in two different ways:
Hypermedia is a computer-based information retrieval system that enables a user to gain or provide access to texts, audio and video recordings, photographs and computer graphics related to a particular subject. Hypermedia is a term created by Ted Nelson. Hypermedia is used as a logical extension of the term hypertext in which graphics, audio, video, plain text and hyperlinks intertwine to create a generally non-linear medium of information. This contrasts with the broader term multimedia, which may be used to describe non-interactive linear presentations as well as hypermedia. It is also related to the field of Electronic literature. The term was first used in a 1965 article by Ted Nelson.
The World Wide Web is a classic example of hypermedia, whereas a non-interactive cinema presentation is an example of standard multimedia due to the absence of hyperlinks.
combines the concepts of hypertext and multimedia to allow rich
interaction between the user and the material. Hypertext itself is
basically the same as regular text except that it contains connections
within the text to other documents (Hughes, 1994). The term multimedia
has been around for a long time, long before the advent of personal
computers. Today it is usually used to describe the integration of text,
graphics, animation, sound, video and music in an interactive software
environment (Turner and Handler, 1997).
In the role of audience to hypermedia,
students interact with hypermedia environments developed by others.
Examples of this type of interaction would include reading articles in
online encyclopedias, observing a PowerPoint presentation (with links
and other multimedia elements) developed by a teacher, playing
interactive adventure games, or looking at various interactive websites
on the Internet. Lu (n.d.) would consider this as level 1, or read only hypermedia. As an audience to hypermedia,
children often still manage to control how they navigate through the
information, and one child is likely to navigate the material in a
different order than another. Students will choose their paths based on
their interests and objectives. While students are able to have some
control in this role, they are still limited by the design decisions
made by the software designer or their teacher (Turner and Handler,
Requires Extra Teacher Planning Time
Disadvantages of using hypermedia in an educational setting include the fact that it takes a tremendous amount of time to initially develop hypermedia lessons. Teachers must get the appropriate training in using software and other hypermedia components, and be given adequate time to plan and incorporate hypermedia lessons into their curriculum. One method to help ameliorate the lack of planning time that plagues so many public school teachers is for those teachers to allow their students to author hypermedia products in conjunction with the curriculum. Then those teachers can use these hypermedia products with other students in that same class, as well as with future students in other classes. Teachers would still need proper training to successfully guide their students through these initial creations.
Student Focus Issues
Another potential disadvantage in using hypermedia involves students who already have trouble focusing on specific tasks. Those students who have trouble focusing on assignments in general may be overwhelmed by hypermedia lessons. They may lose focus entirely or they may learn a little bit about a lot about different things, but they might miss the central purpose of an assignment. Teachers would have to take extra time to re-focus students' attention on what is truly important in the context of the curriculum-based lesson. Therefore, the use of hypermedia must be carefully guided by teachers and other educational professionals to ensure that students are learning and focusing on valuable curricular concepts.
is causing educators to redefine literacy. Educators have to be careful
to teach students how to glean information from the Internet and other hypermedia
environments. These environments can be very different, and often
better, than simply reading from a textbook. Despite the advantages of
presenting content in multiple formats including video and audio, hypermedia
can also mask fundamental reading problems. Students with difficulty
reading may be able to glean just as much information from certain hypermedia
formats as students who can read well. However, in the long run, these
reading-deficient students may not be identified as needing extra help
in the area of reading, and then in turn suffer the consequences further
down the road, when the ability to read text well becomes essential.
Web-based Project
Benefits of using Web-based Project Management Software
Many companies are looking for an alternative to spreadsheets and commercial software; especially when it comes to managing projects or jobs. The ability to keep a the pulse of each project is faster and easier with a web application. Converting your existing project management processes onto an online platform isn’t hard; in fact it’s quite easy. Once it’s up and running, all of your team members can access the necessary features of the application, such as entering expense line items, with any web-enabled device such as PC’s, Laptops, iPhones and iPads.
Web Applications have fostered the ability to centralize data so that your customers, suppliers, vendors, employees, and stakeholders can easily access and share important information, instantly, from anywhere in the world. Furthermore, centralized Web Applications have eliminated the hassle of painful software installations, upgrades, and expensive licensing costs associated with traditional software.
Not only is your data centralized with a web-based project management system, but it is accessible by anyone from anywhere with an internet connection and the correct log-in credentials.
In Summary, web-based project management can:
In developing software, creativity as an outcome should not be equated with ingenuity or high intelligence. Creating is more consonant with planning, making assembling, designing, or building.
Creativity is said to combine three kind of skills/abilities:
- Analyzing - distinguishing similarities and differences/seeing the project as a problem to be solved
- Synthesizing - making spontaneous connections among ideas, thus generating interesting or new ideas
- Promoting - selling of new ideas to allow the public to test the ideas themselves
- Define the task - clarify the goal of the completed project to the student
- Brainstorm - the students themselves will be allowed to generate their own ideas on the project. Rather than shoot down ideas, the teacher encourages idea exchange.
- Judge the ideas - the students themselves make an appraisal for or against any idea. Only when students are completely off track should the teacher intervene
- Act - the students do their work with the teacher a facilitator
- Adopt flexibility - the students should be allowed to shift gears and not follow an action path rigidly.
The production of self-made multimedia projects can be approached in two different ways:
- As an instructive tool, such as in the production by students of a power-point presentation of a selected topic.
- As a communication tool, such as when students do a multimedia presentation
(with text, graphs, photos, audio narration, interviews, video clips, etc. to simulate a television news show).
Hypermedia is a computer-based information retrieval system that enables a user to gain or provide access to texts, audio and video recordings, photographs and computer graphics related to a particular subject. Hypermedia is a term created by Ted Nelson. Hypermedia is used as a logical extension of the term hypertext in which graphics, audio, video, plain text and hyperlinks intertwine to create a generally non-linear medium of information. This contrasts with the broader term multimedia, which may be used to describe non-interactive linear presentations as well as hypermedia. It is also related to the field of Electronic literature. The term was first used in a 1965 article by Ted Nelson.
The World Wide Web is a classic example of hypermedia, whereas a non-interactive cinema presentation is an example of standard multimedia due to the absence of hyperlinks.
Hypermedia as it Applies to Educational Settings
- How Can Hypermedia Be Used in Schools?
can be defined as a non-sequential format that uses hypertext and
multimedia elements to present information to users. There are many
potential and realized advantages to using hypermedia in educational settings. The advantages of hypermedia depend on the mode of use. Allowing students to author their own hypermedia results in a different set of advantages than simply allowing students to be the audience of hypermedia presentations. The use of hypermedia
must be carefully guided by teachers and other educational
professionals to ensure that students are learning and focusing on
valuable curricular concepts. Hypermedia can be a great tool to help facilitate differentiation of instruction in the classroom, but there are some pitfalls as well.
- What is Hypermedia?
- Students as Audience of Hypermedia
- Students as Authors of Hypermedia
The second of these broad categories would include students as authors of their own hypermedia. In this role, students will develop hypermedia
projects by conducting research on a topic, identifying relevant
information, and then selecting what elements to include in a final
product. Students will have to consider the layout of the text as well
as what multimedia components to include in their product. Students must
also determine how they will link information based on whom the
intended audience will be. In addition, students will have to learn how
to use software components, or perfect their knowledge of the software
they are using, and then debug any problems they encounter (Turner &
Handler, 1997). This second broad category of authoring hypermedia would correspond to Lu's (n.d.) level 2 (participatory) and level 3 (exploratory) hypermedia. Using hypermedia
in this context will not only allow students to have control over how
they learn, but will also force them to learn basic information and use
higher level thinking skills in the process developing their final hypermedia product.
powered by Youtube
Advantages of Hypermedia
- Learning Styles Webpage
- Advantages of using hypermedia in instruction are numerous. They include the fact that differentiation of instruction is often built into the application and allows the learner to adapt information to his own learning style. Students gain control of the order they access information as well as the number of times they engage a specific piece of information. Students will often have the option of simply reading the text (verbal learning style), or hearing the text read (aural learning style), or seeing a visual representation of the text reproduced (visual learning style), among other options. Teachers can use the above webpage to assess their own learning styles as well as those of their students.
- Interactive Chemistry Website
- Hypermedia is not limited by physical space. The costs of paper and color photographs are no longer an issue. There is tremendous potential to save time and money in the long run. In science classrooms there is tremendous potential to save money on laboratory materials as well. The above link is just one example of using the Internet as an alternative to a chemistry lab.
Disadvantages of Hypermedia
Disadvantages of using hypermedia in an educational setting include the fact that it takes a tremendous amount of time to initially develop hypermedia lessons. Teachers must get the appropriate training in using software and other hypermedia components, and be given adequate time to plan and incorporate hypermedia lessons into their curriculum. One method to help ameliorate the lack of planning time that plagues so many public school teachers is for those teachers to allow their students to author hypermedia products in conjunction with the curriculum. Then those teachers can use these hypermedia products with other students in that same class, as well as with future students in other classes. Teachers would still need proper training to successfully guide their students through these initial creations.
Student Focus Issues
Another potential disadvantage in using hypermedia involves students who already have trouble focusing on specific tasks. Those students who have trouble focusing on assignments in general may be overwhelmed by hypermedia lessons. They may lose focus entirely or they may learn a little bit about a lot about different things, but they might miss the central purpose of an assignment. Teachers would have to take extra time to re-focus students' attention on what is truly important in the context of the curriculum-based lesson. Therefore, the use of hypermedia must be carefully guided by teachers and other educational professionals to ensure that students are learning and focusing on valuable curricular concepts.
Issues with Literacy
Issues with Internet Safety
Hypermedia lessons must be designed with
the safety of the student in mind as well. While not all hypermedia
lessons will involve the Internet, many will. Those that do should be
carefully designed by the teacher to prevent students from straying to
websites that contain inappropriate material. A well-designed hypermedia
lesson could utilize all of the good things on the World Wide Web
without burdening it with the pop-up advertisements and questionable
material that seems to abound.
is a term that has been around for many years now, and its definition
continues to undergo slight changes as time passes. As an educational
tool, hypermedia
offers many potential benefits for the teacher in the classroom as well
as a few potential pitfalls. Perhaps the most pertinent advantage to
21st century teachers in the United States is the potential to create
differentiated lesson plans that cater to a variety of learning styles
and a multitude of English Language Learners. The software tools
currently available already provide some content translated into Spanish
and other foreign languages. As these tools are improved teachers will
eagerly make use of the best applications.
Web-based Project
Benefits of using Web-based Project Management Software
- Mobility—With an intuitive dashboard, reporting and planner tools, web based project management software enables you to log in to your project work from anywhere in the world, thus offering a real-time view of your project.
- Easy and effective collaboration—Collaboration is an inherent component of project management. For sharing your project plans with your global partners, for delegating tasks to your offshore colleagues or for managing contractors across the country, a reliable platform for collaboration is a must. This is where our web-based project management software helps. Web project management software helps you save your work or project plan in one central location thus giving authorized members real-time access to business-critical project information. Teams can be given real-time alerts to adjust work activities to adapt with project changes or updates.
- Boost productivity—With collaboration via PM software, miscommunication is reduced, which thus paves the way to effective and quick team work and increased productivity. With web-based project management software, project managers can save time on routine operations such as collecting reports, updating plans, sending reminders to team and spend more time on more productive work. The project manager gets real-time view of each task and can evaluate and make necessary changes on the spot whenever required.
- Solid Analysis & Reporting— Web Project management software’s reporting structure gives you invoice ready data for projects. This enables you to swiftly review all time spent during a project, as well as what is due for invoicing and how much revenue is associated with each task, phase, etc.
- Flexible and salable—Web project management software unites the collaboration platform of SharePoint Server 2010 and deliberate implementation abilities to provide flexible work management results. Users get the benefit to manage scheduling, i.e. users can plan tasks with the information they have in hand or mechanically plan tasks to have project estimate dates and duration.
- Security— Security is the foremost issue that we take care of. All necessary steps to keep your data safe is taken by us. All the project management information of your is safely transferred via SSL.
The Power of Web-based Project Management
Spreadsheets can get out of control while commercial software does everything but manage your projects effectively.A web-based, centralized project management system can help boost your productivity and make your operations more efficient. Managing time effectively within your company will help deliver projects on time, on budget and increase profits.
Many companies are looking for an alternative to spreadsheets and commercial software; especially when it comes to managing projects or jobs. The ability to keep a the pulse of each project is faster and easier with a web application. Converting your existing project management processes onto an online platform isn’t hard; in fact it’s quite easy. Once it’s up and running, all of your team members can access the necessary features of the application, such as entering expense line items, with any web-enabled device such as PC’s, Laptops, iPhones and iPads.
Web Applications have fostered the ability to centralize data so that your customers, suppliers, vendors, employees, and stakeholders can easily access and share important information, instantly, from anywhere in the world. Furthermore, centralized Web Applications have eliminated the hassle of painful software installations, upgrades, and expensive licensing costs associated with traditional software.
Not only is your data centralized with a web-based project management system, but it is accessible by anyone from anywhere with an internet connection and the correct log-in credentials.
In Summary, web-based project management can:
- Increase productivity and accessibility
- Manage projects/jobs easier
- Centralize your data (tasks, expenses, resources, financials, etc)
- Provide enhanced security through user roles
- Instantly generate valuable reports
- Allow your team to communicate with customers
- Do the new learning theories mean we should stop memorization drill activities in class? Why?
- No, because memorization and drill activities in class can be use by the learners in real life. For, every learning process memorization and drill activities can't be avoided.
- There are official truths or principles in such disciplines as ethics, chemistry, physics, history, etc. Do you think constructivism really want to abandon universal truths or principles? (Clue: Some beliefs result from faulty information, ancient or unscientific traditions. Primitive people believed the world was flat. Can you cite other example of untruthful beliefs?)
- No, because in constructivism the learners build a personal understanding, learning consists in what a person can actively assemble for himself and not what he can receive passively. So, it means that the learner will be able to construct new ideas and new facts based on his experiments or base on the studies that he conducted.
- Can personal discoveries contradict socially or culturally accepted principles or values? (Clue: revolutions are caused by those in power like despots unwilling to change their ways. What did Jose Rizal and other patriots discover about colonization of the Philippine Islands?)
- Yes, because personal discoveries can affect his principles or values about a lot of things. His personal discoveries can affect his attitudes towards certain things or ideas.
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TumugonBurahininformative site..thumbs up....
TumugonBurahinkuya i love the blog that you made...hehehe....ilaag mo man daw po yung sa PSU-SPED..
Burahin....gud work....gaun kan pkagbo
TumugonBurahinsame to you did a good job too.
Burahinso attractive to read,,CONGRATULATIONS!!:-)
TumugonBurahinoi...ate ang gayun mo...
Burahingood work
TumugonBurahinnice work mhe>>.>>love you hahahahahah. gndn nmn ng template u.keep up the gud work.
TumugonBurahinoi,,,dae kapa po...nagmemember sako...hmfff...
Burahin..nice mhe..kagayon.....pinagpaguran...hehehe
TumugonBurahinmagayun man kaya po ang naggibo...hehehe...e na magkontra
BurahinI like the color!!nice one!!it so refreshing...
TumugonBurahinthank you..thank you...
BurahinHow important is the guided hypermedia in teaching and learning process? post your answer not later than January 24.
TumugonBurahinnice one..in4mative...
TumugonBurahinthumbs up mhe....ty palan
TumugonBurahingood luck po sa presentation mo.
BurahinHow will encourage students creativity by applying simple creation? Post your answer before February 1, 2012.
TumugonBurahinma'am nasagutan ko na po yung question mo...thank you po....pi-nost ko na po sa blog ko...